Our Story

Hebrews 13:16
"And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God"

How it all started...

“Bear one another’s burdens thus fulfilling the law of Christ!” Galatians 6:2


Red Suitcase Ministry at A Glance

About Us

Red Suitcase Ministry knows that our strength lies in God’s power and His Word that we stand by which most importantly guide the actions of our initiatives.

RSM is a non-profit organization that was created as a result of the amazing outpouring of support toward former homeless veteran, Richard, who was living out of a red suitcase. This outpouring resulted in the purchase of a $20,000 RV for Richard to live in!

See below the news videos on how this single act of listening to the Holy Spirit started a movement!

RSM honored at State Capitol

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A New Beginning for Richard: Red Suitcase Ministry's Inception